Get to know the Hockey Center team and read all about how we started and what we stand for!


Hockey Center started in Woking in England. We brought this successful company to the Netherlands as a store and webshop. Hockey Center can now be found in England, South Africa, India, Australia & Belgium.
The Hockey Center NL can be found in "the center" of the country; Almere, where we are the hockey specialist in Flevoland.
The Hockey Center NL is easily accessible, you can always park for free, we provide tailor-made service and a cup of tea or coffee is of course part of our experience!
Of course we are also open online 24/7 ;)

Every staff member at The Hockey Center has a passion for sport and an affinity with hockey. The Hockey Center employs athletes who still play, coach, provide training, have experience in organizing sporting events and enjoy providing customized assistance to the Hockey Center Member! We convey our passion for sports, and hockey in particular, in various ways. We are happy to give you tips to help you progress in your sport with our videos, blogs, social media, webshop or tailor-made tips. In-store we help everyone who has a passion for hockey to go one step further. Whether you are a referee, player, goalkeeper, parent, board member, or grandfather/grandmother and/or fan, we are happy to talk to you about hockey!


Get to know the Hockey Center team!

Het team

Hey! My name is Sebas, and I have been working at TheHockey Center for a few years. In the beginning I mainly helped at events and gave training, but for a year now I can also be found in the store. I have been playing hockey for 10 years with great pleasure at the Almere hockey club, which is very nice to combine with working at THC. I have also been active for a long time as a trainer of various youth teams. You can always contact me for advice or questions and I will regularly be at events!

Nicole Laarhoven

Hi! My name is Nicole and my greatest passion is Hockey. As the founder of The Hockey Center, I enjoy making people happy through hockey products for everyone who likes hockey!

I am an all-rounder so you can meet me anywhere.
I especially enjoy having a nice chat between the hockey gear :)

Manuel Verga

Hi! I'm Manuel, or Manu as most call me. I play hockey at the Almeerse Hockey Club in Men's 1 and work at The Hockey Centre. Graphic design and hockey are my two passions. I like to combine these two at The Hockey Center where I am responsible for all expressions, online and offline.

Come by the store and play a ball with me on our cool hockey field!

Sanne Keijer

Hey! My name is Sanne and I have enjoyed working at The Hockey Center for a few years. I have been playing hockey at the Almeerse Hockey Club for as long as I can remember. I enjoy helping someone extensively and having a chat. I am always very interested in where our customers play hockey and what they bring to us. I am responsible for the stock in the store, so be sure to come to me if you are looking for something specific and we can look at it together.

I hope to see you in the store soon and I will be happy to help you!
Until then!

Merle Verhagen

Hi! My name is Merle and I have enjoyed working at The Hockey Center for a number of years. I have created everything you see on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and in your email. I mainly focus on creating content and enjoy developing new creative ideas. In addition to working at The Hockey Center, I have been playing hockey at the Almeerse Hockey Club for many years. I like the combination of playing hockey and working at The Hockey Center. Of course I also like to have a chat with everyone who comes to our store.

Iris van Gelderen

Hoi! Ik ben Iris en ik volg de opleiding Finance & Control aan Windesheim Almere. Sinds eind 2023 werk ik bij FashionUnited eBusiness, waar ik ondersteun bij financiële werkzaamheden. Daarnaast ben ik sinds kort actief bij The Hockey Centre, waar ik verantwoordelijk ben voor het beheer van debiteuren en crediteuren.

Ik hockey al jaren bij de Almeerse Hockeyclub en vind het erg leuk om mijn passie voor hockey te combineren met mijn interesse in financiën. Hierdoor krijg ik de kans om de financiële kant van de hockeywereld te ontdekken.

Zara Schmitz

Heyy, ik ben Zara en ben sinds oktober 2024 werkzaam bij The Hockey Centre. Ik ben verantwoordelijk voor de structuur van onze voorraad. Hierbij controleer ik de website en zorg dat dit kloppend is.
Zelf hockey ik al vanaf het moment dat ik oud genoeg was voor deze sport en dit doe ik nog tot op de dag van vandaag. Ik speel bij de Almeerse Hockeyclub in dames 1. Dit combineer ik samen met mijn werk bij The Hockey Centre en mijn studie HRM.

Ook ik kom je graag helpen bij ons in de winkel! Tot dan!

Hidde Kiljan

Hi! Ik ben Hidde. Hockey zit in mijn bloed, mijn gehele gezin heeft gehockeyd en zelf hockey ik al vanaf dat ik 6 jaar oud was. Ik ben begonnen in Zeewolde waar ik tot mijn 12e heb gespeeld. Sinds dien hockey ik bij Almeerse waar ik de rest van de jeugd heb doorlopen. Op het moment hockey ik in Heren 1, maar met de ambitie om uit eindelijk in het Nederlands elftal te spelen. Mijn passie voor de sport gebruik ik bij The Hockey Centre om klanten met de beste hockeyspullen, op maat en tevreden te helpen.

Kom vooral langs om je passie voor de sport en hockeyverhalen te delen!

Dafne Belou

Hey! My name is Dafne and I have been working at The Hockey Center for a while now. I can be found in the store, but also at events. I have been playing hockey at the Almere hockey club for 12 years and enjoy it. I am also active there as a trainer. This can be easily combined with working at The Hockey Centre.

See you soon at the events or in our store!

Sofie Ferwerda

Hi! Ik ben Sofie en ik werk sinds kort bij The Hockey Centre! Ook kan je mij op het hockeyveld vinden van de Almeerse Hockeyclub. Inmiddels hockey ik al 12 jaar lang met veel plezier.
Hockey is een van mijn grootste passies en dat kan ik bij The Hockey Centre goed combineren. Waar ik hoop mijn liefde voor het spelletje over te kunnen brengen naar de klanten!

Hopelijk tot snel!

Olaf Laarhoven

Hi, I'm Olaf and I can mainly be found in the background at The Hockey Center. Since my daughter (Nicole) started playing hockey, I have been actively involved as head coach, board member, but also organized the well-known Hockey Below The Sea 'Mercian Indoor' indoor hockey tournament. I have developed a great passion for hockey and enjoy sharing my expertise and experiences.

Join the team?

To make our team even more complete, we are looking for someone who has an affinity with hockey and therefore understands the world.

You can do this

Helping customers in the store - Helping a hockey player who is just starting out, a top player or a parent to find the right materials. This is not a problem for you because you can talk from your own hockey experience. You learn the rest from your colleagues 😉

Going to associations – Every few weeks we take our stand to associations to sell items.

Getting started with our social
media –
Our social media must be up to date with the latest hockey trends/news.

Online orders/webshop
maintenance/processing – You help maintain the online webshop. Ensures the right products are in place. Or will process the online orders that come in.

And beyond that – have fun and learn something new every day!

Click here for more information